Sunday 11 December 2016

Liceo Scientifico A. Diaz, Caserta, Italy: Theme Projects

The Erasmus+ "Leading Lights" team of teachers at Liceo Scientifico A.Diaz Caserta are involved in this year's school project "European citizenship: identities and diversities (challenges and opportunities)". The aim of this project, developed by the Departments of History and Philosophy, Italian and Foreign languages, is to involve the students in school activities and conferences concerning: - the role of school education in the building of an active citizenship; - the role of local and national economic policies in the wider system of international economic policies; - the contribution of national cultural identities to the process leading to European citizenship; - the problems related to human rights. We have hosted the 1st conference on 26th November. Our students have met university teachers of Economics and History, experts of issues related to constitutionalism and contemporary history and have learnt more about Italian institutions, in particular about our parliamentary system, comparing it to other countries’ systems. A week before this conference, some classes from our Liceo went with their teachers on a day trip to Rome and had a guided tour of our Parliament to see the place where important decisions are made every day and laws are examined and passed.

On the 1st December 2016 at Liceo Scientifico A.Diaz Caserta: 2nd meeting of the project "European citizenship: getting to know each other", the school hosted the Imam of a local mosque as a representative of a Muslim cultural association to share ideas with students about religion, society and the relationship between different cultures. The students appreciated this opportunity and asked many questions to the speakers during the conference.

The students and colleagues of Liceo Scientifico A. Diaz participated in a TV program and debated issues related to the negation of human rights in the world, in particular the practice of torture. The students have also shared their ideas about the problem with Carlo Bonini, author of a book recently published in Italy, "Il corpo del reato" ("Material evidence").

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