Wednesday, 1 March 2017

"Leading Lights" Students' EQUALITY Photo Exhibition in Melilla, Spain in April 2017

"Liceo Scientifico A. Diaz", Caserta, Italy:

"My God's name doesn't define me" Toscano Antonio

  "Fear of revealing oneself" Casella Alessia

 "We all have the same colourful soul" Soviero Daria

"Lycée Antoine St-Exupéry", Les Avirons, La Reunion:

 "Diversity in Music"

"At the local market"

"Friends in diversity!"

"Escuela sa de Miranda", Braga, Portugal:

"IES Juan Antonio Fernandez Perez", Melilla, Spain:

"Team work doesn´t know about races"

"Friendship beyond barriers"

"Frienship for a lifetime"

Dyffryn Taf School, Wales:

Ysgol Y Strade, Llanelli, Wales:

 "Together, Stronger"

"Working hard"

"Laanila High School", Oulu, Finland:

"Celebrating Diversity" Elias Mäkinen

"Together We Stand Against Inequality" Jenni Oikarinen

 "Friends with Everyone" Julius Hugg

"Svenska Privatskolan", Oulu, Finland:

"Are you wondering if we are a couple or friends dancing together? 
Why wouldn't you think instead if we are happy?" Milja Holappa

"Genius has no race. Strength has no gender. Courage has no limit." Emma Näpänkangas

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