Monday, 26 September 2016

Sá de Miranda, Braga, Portugal: Theme projects

Pedagogy for Autonomy and Educational Success – What Relation? An Ongoing Multi-disciplinary School Project

Project initiated in 2007/08 with a group of teachers from different disciplinary areas, whose main aim is to foster learner autonomy as one means to achieve educational success.

* Educational success depends on the development of competences (knowledge, abilities, attitudes and values).
* Educational success depends on the students’ active involvement in the teaching/learning process.
* Autonomy development requires a learner/learning-centred approach.
* Pedagogy for autonomy entails reflexive, potientially empowering teaching practices.

* Promote coherence of practices, with reference to global curricular goals.
* Promote the integrated development of the learners’ academic and learning competences.
* Promote professional dialogue and peer collaboration.

* Interest, commitment, participants’ engagement
* Critical attitude towards practice.
* Recognition of the relevance of the project as a collective initiative.
* Institutional support to the project.
* Teacher development on pedagogy for autonomy.
* role of contexts, learners and teachers
* pedagogical principles

* Project team meetings.
* Materials design.
* Pedagogical experimentation.
* Project evaluation at the end of each school year (questionnaire).
* Dissemination of the work done.
* In the school (open sessions/seminars).
* At national and international conferences.
* Publications.

* Latest articles:
Barbosa, I., Kao, S. H., & Lacey, F. (2013). Teaching for autonomy – challenges and possibilities. In A. Barfiel & N. Delgado Alvarado (Eds.), Autonomy in Language Learning: Stories of Practices [Kindle]. Canterbury, England: IATEFL Learner Autonomy SIG.

Barbosa, I., Pereira, C. & Branco, C. (2016). Espelho meu, espelho meu… Imagens das Práticas nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário. In Revista de Estudios e Investigación en Psicología Educación, Vol. 3, núm. 1 (2016),

Sá Voluntário

Be a volunteer!
Being a citizen…
It all started in an attempt to enhance the feeling of a responsible citizenship among our students, hand in hand with the acquisition of further academic qualifications.
In order to achieve this goal and privilege a close contact with the surrounding community, our school established a partnership with a local institution – the Parish of S. Vicente. Some of the activities already put into practice included having students socialising with groups of elderly users of the Day Care Centre, helping in the social store and participating in campaigns to gather hygienic products for the parishioners.

All these activities are performed by volunteers – students from the 11th and 12th forms - who want to give their free time another meaning and use it to promote the welfare and better quality of life among the local community members.
The Parish is responsible for the project and for previous volunteering training.
Simultaneously, the school is fully committed in a real integration of intermediate level students with special learning needs, aged 11 to 14, by promoting, not only leisure activities specially planned to include this particular group of students, but also tutorial teaching activities performed by older students.
Those students who feel like embracing this experience just have to get in touch with the school teachers responsible for the project “Sá Voluntário” Dra Maria Eugénia Fernandes and Dra Maria do Carmo Vila-Chã and Make a Difference!

Project “Sá Solidário”

The project aims to involve all the agents of our educational community by sensitising them to donate products that will hopefully help needy community members overcome the lack of basic goods.
A group of teachers and students, in close cooperation with the Students’ Support Office (GAA) is asked to try to identify and select, among all students, those whose families show evidence of facing a difficult economic situation. The canned goods, donated by the members of our community, will be given to those families after having been used to build a sculpture that will be exhibited in a local and then, hopefully, in a national contest as part of the project “Canstruction”, addressed to all Portuguese schools.

Friday, 23 September 2016

Laanila High School, Oulu, Finland: Theme Projects

Human Rights Education through drama for Laanila students on May 3rd 2017! 😊
Thank you Johanna Lampinen and students from the Intercultural Teacher Education at Oulu University! Your visits are highly appreciated!

ENJOYING the International School Day of Non-Violence and Peace and passing the Dove of Peace at Laanila High School on 31st January 2017.

May it reach all our students, staff and friends and fill their hearts with compassion, hope and understanding.

See the video:

Lucia 2015 from the Swedish school visited Laanila High School's Swedish lessons on the 16th January 2017. 

Our students had the opportunity to learn more about the Swedish language, the Swedish speaking minority in Finland and about Aleksiina's further studies abroad. 

Two of our bravest Laanila students even interviewed her on the school radio!  


”Home” dance show unites digital art, new technology and multiculturalism in Oulu

A celebration of diversity will be seen in Oulu when the first presentation of “Home” will be launched on the 7th December.

The production, which has been built by local students together with young immigrants, unites dance, new technology and multiculturalism.

The group consists of young immigrants from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Belgium, Congo, Great Britain, Japan and Kosovo as well as their Finnish peers. The aim of this pilot project is to offer young people an opportunity to create high quality art in a multicultural group which helps the members of the group start new friendships and integrate into the local community while learning new skills.

In addition to choreography and dance, the participants will learn new skills, for example, in interactive visual design, costume design, make-up, music and filming. The project consists of 20 young students from Laanila School, Laanila High School and Vuolle Community College.

“Home” is a touching show that celebrates diversity and is flavoured with the personal stories of the participants. The show is expected to increase the visibility of multiculturalism and the mutual understanding between people in Oulu.

The seven weeks’ project is implemented together with Laanila School, Laanila High School, Vuolle Community College, Cultural Centre Valve, EduLab at the University of Applied Sciences in Oulu, International Teacher Education of Oulu University and Oulu City Theatre. The project is supported by Central Arts Council.

The pilot is coordinated by TaikaBox ry which is a dance and digital art organization based in Oulu whose aim is to create new technological ways to experience dance.

”Home” will be presented at Cultural Centre Valve as a part of Colourful Cultures Festival at 7:00 pm on the 7th December. The show will be seen together with the theatre artist Mika Kiviniemi’s “Huutelija” production. Free admission!

For more information: Tanja Råman, 044 981 7348 or                       Tiina Fredriksson, 040 575 5337.

Unesco Course: "Colourful Cultures Digi Dance Magic" 

English speaking digi dance workshops together with high school students and young refugees. The 
main point is to plan, create and learn together in an economically, ecologically and socially sustainable way. Team work, openness, empathy, negotiation, manuscript, drama, graphics, digital art, set design, make up, clothing, lighting and sound. 

The course will be carried out with a line of local experts in diverse learning environments. 

Our partners include the following:

TaikaBox (
Cultural Centre Valve (
The City of Oulu (
The City Theatre of Oulu (
Oulu University of Applied Sciences  (
Oulu University (
Community College Vuolle (

Global Me Course at Laanila 2016

Course content course aims to preserve and enrich the multiculturalism and cultural diversity among the youth in Finland, helping the students aware of the globalization in the world, and promote the sustainable development in their daily life. Throughout this course, we want to create an impact on the students’ knowledge, attitude and skills in relation to global education. 

The objectives of the course are:
  • To expand the understanding about the world and global issues among Finnish youth
  • Increase tolerance and self-expression among Finnish youth
  • Improve the possibilities of Finnish upper secondary schools to gain international experiences
  • Improve students’ English proficiency (both written and spoken skills)