Wednesday, 30 January 2019

The Best Equality News from Europe

Student Task for the Meeting in Finland: The Best Equality News from Europe 

Prepare a video in which you present 

a) a disturbing equality problem in your country and
b) a clever solution that has been used to solve it

Length of the video: 4-8 minutes.

"Liceo Scientifico A. Diaz", Caserta, Italy

"Lycée Antoine St-Exupéry", Les Avirons, La Reunion

"Escuela sa de Miranda", Braga, Portugal

"IES Juan Antonio Fernandez Perez", Melilla, Spain

Dyffryn Taf School & Ysgol Y Strade, Wales 

"Laanila High School", Oulu, Finland

"Svenska Privatskolan", Oulu, Finland